Living in Hamburg
Top 3 Must-Sees in HH

The Elbphilharmonie – called “Elphi” – is the crown jewel of Hamburg’s world-famous music scene. It is one of the largest as well as the most elaborate acoustic concert halls in the world. The upper part of this hall is shaped like waves with an old warehouse building as the bottom level. It symbolizes Hamburg as the great city it is where innovation builds on a long-standing tradition. The Elbphilharmonie was inaugurated in January 2017 For further information about the building, but also about visits and concerts, click here.

“The world’s most sinful mile“ is Hamburg’s world-famous red-light district. „Reeper“ in old German stands for rope and „Bahn“ for track. Back in the times, ropes for the ships have been produced in this street. Today, it is famous for its vivid nightlife with several nightclubs, brothels, restaurants and bars, but also its musical theatre, the „Operettenhaus“.

The Speicherstadt is the world’s largest area of connected warehouses. It was built in 1883 in order to store all kinds of goods arriving at Hamburg’s port from all over the world. Due to its location within Hamburg’s free trade zone, goods could be transferred without any taxes being raised on them. In 1991, it was declared a historical monument and thus it is preserved in its original state. As a fun fact: This preservation policy is why until today the whole complex stands on wooden logs. Since July 2015, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
What makes Hamburg the place to be?
Hamburg is one of the most liveable cities on earth:
According to the report by the Economist Intelligence Unit from 2017 Hamburg is under the top ten of the most liveable cities in the world. In this report, 140 world cities are ranked according to their factors like health, culture and environment, education, infrastructure, and stability. Hamburg got its highest scores for its healthcare and infrastructure.

Hamburg is one of the coolest cities on earth:
Let it be the city’s cultural, architectural and artistic attractions, its many different neighbourhoods with a wide variety of different foods, its world-famous music scene or its rich coffee culture – Hamburg has something to offer to everyone. It is a hip city, always on track with the hottest trends, but still never forgetting its traditional roots. More about Hamburg’s hipness can be read here.
Hamburg is one of the greenest cities on earth:
Hamburg is under the top ten of the greenest cities on earth. Its huge parks, forests and nature reserves enable the citizens to get out of the city into the green without leaving the city (details can be found here). In addition to this, its present and future sustainable strategies with renewable energies won Hamburg the title “European Green Capital” in 2011.
Last but not least: Hamburg’s future looks bright, too!
fDi intelligence – the research unit of the Financial Times – uses factors such as economic potential, infrastructure and labour environment to assess the future of European cities and regions. Hamburg is among the top ranks in this classification. It is and will be the place to be!
Skilled Labour
There is a high demand for skilled labour in Germany. India contributes significantly to this workforce. Recently, Germany has passed a new law Skilled Workers Immigration Act.
Employers who make a concrete job offer to a skilled worker from abroad can start a faster procedure in Germany with the power of attorney of the skilled worker. The Hamburg Welcome Center for Professionals (HWCP) advises employers in Hamburg on the procedure and acts as their central contact. At the end of the process, the HWCP sends a preliminary approval to the German mission abroad.
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